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F.R.L Combinations

What Is an Air Filter Regulator Lubricator?

Before operating your air tools, there is a preparation needed to be done, that is, making sure the air is clean and dry. If the air in tools is dirty and wet, the tool performance will be massively decined, or even their lifespan will be shortened. To complete a proper air preparation, you need high-quality filter regulator lubricators (F.R.L) to maintain your air tools in the best condition. The F.R.L combination contains three different units; each of them plays a crucial role in the process of air cleaness.


Air filters are to filter any impure solid particles including dirt, rust and rust. A filter normally is installed on the upstream of the entire air filter regulator lubricator device, so it could successfully seperate all the impurity from water.


The purpose of a regulator is to well control the air pressure and maintain constant output pressure in any circumstances. Inconsistent air pressure could lead to an increased air consumption. A well-developed regulator can help you solve this problem!


A lubricator is able to control the quantities of the tool oil and to supply the appropriate amount of oil into the air tools. Without this step, your air compression tools are put in a high risk of short lifespans.

SHAKO offers mutiple choices for filter regulator lubricators that can certainly fulfill all your needs. If you have any questions regarding our products, welcome to Contact Us anytime!

SHAKO Co., Ltd.

No. 392, Sec. 2, Wanshou Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333019, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: 886 3-319xxxx

FAX: 886 3-31xxxxx


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